Weather After Hurricane Sandy Hurts Boat Repairs
Hurricane Sandy did some real damage. All along the East-Coast there are boats waiting for repairs to get done so that they can be ready for spring sailing. There are so many repairs needing to be done, and the cold weather is hindering certain ones. This is going to cause a major backlog on boat repairs, and could upset some customers who want to be boating in the spring.
So Many Repairs, So Little Time
Gelcoat and fiberglass repairs are impeded by the cold weather and are going to have to wait for better conditions. With many service and repair yards still out of commission after Hurricane Sandy the few that are up have their hands full. This, plus the cold weather, may make some very unhappy boaters.
Repair yards are telling boaters that if they have minor scratches to be repaired that they should wait until later to focus on it, rather than end up backlogged behind a line of other boats getting hulls, and other serious damage repaired. Customers are being given a list of choices and are being told what is absolutely necessary, and what is not, for getting their boats in working order.
An estimated 65,000 boats were damaged or destroyed, and although business for repair shops is at a high the repairs will take time. So remember that if your boat is usable and won’t take on new damage by being used, then wait for the bulk of major repairs to be done before scheduling to have your coat refinished so that you don’t end up waiting for weeks, or longer, to have it done.
Insurance Matters
With so many destroyed boats, and damaged marine facilities, the facilities have had to move some of the boats out of their docks and in to storage areas. Doing this can cause a lapse in your policy because storing your ship in an unspecified location is not covered.
Maritime Program Group has stepped in to help, and has agreed to provide an extension of coverage under the NAS’ Marina Operators Legal Liability section for policy holders. You still need to coordinate with your insurance company, but this is a huge help to boat owners all along the East-Coast. It is strongly recommended for the insured to enter in to a storage agreement with a marina that has had to store their boat at another location, and for you to contact your insurance provider immediately.